Junior High News


What a terrific performance from the cast and crew of Cheaper by the Dozen! It is always such an honor to work with such dedicated Junior High students!

Those students who are interested in being part of the Spring Play came to the conclusion that              participating in Play is about risk-taking (in a good way) and that we should undertake to tell the more difficult story- The Count of Monte Cristo.

I have posted the mandatory rehearsal schedule below. Please consult family calendars and when scheduling family vacations/appts.

There is also a permission slip which must be signed by the student and the parent to insure clarity of commitment. Both the permission slip and the money ($15) to off-set supper during longer rehearsals is due  at the time of auditions – the 10th of January.

If you have questions/concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Mrs. Brodeur

Mandatory rehearsal schedule for Spring Play

Permission Slip Count of Monte Cristo
